Ex Max

Current setup

My currrent setup is

  • OPTICS: GSO RC10 Truss, Skywatcher ED120 Pro, Skywatcher ED80 Pro
  • MOUNT: 10Micron GM2000 HPS II
  • CCD: Apogee Alta U9 + Optec IFW, Moravian G2 8300 Mark II + EFW-2S-7
  • FILTERS: Astrodon RGB, Baader RGB, Astrodon Ha 5nm, Baader O3 8.5 nm, Baader S2 8nm
  • GUIDING: StarlightXpress Lodestar, Moravian off axis guider, Altair astro 60mm
  • FOCUSER: Optec TCFs, Moonlite NiteCrawler
  • FOCAL REDUCER: Starizona APEX ED 0,65X L
  • DSLR: Sony a7s

All images are processed with pixinsight. Some corrections are made with photoshop

I was involved in a beta testing program for the GM1000 HPS from 10Micron.
In my opinion it’s a great mount with a revolutionary High Precision System that allows to take pictures without guiding.
This is possible due the high precision absolute encoders for both axes that correct the movements of the mount, just like a real autoguiding system.

For further info vistit https://10micron.eu

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